Tuesday, November 01, 2005

Help us chip away at the HEA Drug Provision

We have the opportunity to tear away at a major Prohibitionist policy that is blocking access to college.

The HEA Drug Provision has been on the books for seven (7) years, and in that short time it has obstructed more than 175,000 of us from going to college. Blocking access to education for past drug offenses defies commonsense.

Check out our HEA campaign page and contact your representative and senators to let them know that you are watching. Our legislators won't make the right choice unless they hear from us.

Also, if you haven't registered for the SSDP Annual Conference (Nov. 9-12) in Long Beach, CA, you still have time!

In solidarity.


LEAP said...

This is the best chance to repeal a punitive federal drug law in decades! Everyone should use SSDP's easy action alert system to contact their legislators right away!

Anonymous said...

"Blocking access to education for past drug offenses defies commonsense."

That's a topic in itself. You should elaborate on that thought.